Friday, August 26, 2011

School and the Audition

Hey guys!  So as you know, I started school last Wednesday.  School's fine, boring as ever and stuff, but meh.  All's going okay...  Now as you guys know I had auditioned for NBC's The Voice.  Yeah that didn't really happen.  If you're wondering why, it's because I'm technically under the age limit.  I'm 15.  You have to be 16.  I nearly slapped the guy who told me that.  You know why?  They didn't say anything like that on the site, and they still sent me the Artist Pass and what not, but after driving an hour to get there, waiting outside for 1/2 an hour, than another 1/2 hour inside, that's when they told me.  I wanted to kick him in the balls.  =n=  So that was what happened with me.  So how's school for y'all?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Le sigh...I start school tomorrow.  :(  Do you know what that means??  That means, like, no posts.  It'll be nearly impossible for me to post on a "regular" basis because, well, yeah.  >.>  So that's all I gotta say, just warning you.  See you later!  :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Back To School and a Little Surprise at the End

MIEN GOTT, THE SUMMER FLEW BY FAST!  (And no, I'm not actually German, I just wanted to write it in German.)  Anyhoo, I'm going back to school on the 17th...  There's something else going on that day, but you're going have to wait until the end of this blog. ;D  Are you curious now??  You'd better be.  Just kidding!  Anyways, so I, of course, have been doing some back to school shopping...That just means back packs and supplies for me because I go to a private school, and I have a set uniform...  >.>  I hate it.  Even though it saves me times in the morning, it feels we have less self expression.  Anyways, after this school year, I am going to be attending a public, performing/visual arts school.  I'm SO excited.  Anyways, I'm going to be applying for Writing, so wish me luck. ;D  Anyways, so my best friend (Prussia) and I have been decorating my binders and stuff.  We didn't get much done, so we need to hang out again soon.  Probably Sunday or something cuz I'm going to another friend's birthday party tomorrow.  Anyhoo, my pencil bag is a little more than half way decorated.  There's Vietnam (me) smacking Prussia with her paddle because he mistook her for China and Shizuo and Izaya holding hands.  There's also a bunch of quotes.
The quotes are...:
1. "I MAY NOT BE A COUNTRY, BUT I HAVE A BIG HEART-Desuyo!" ~Sealand, Anime Matsuri, World Conference
2. "My new hobby is stomping on cell phones! HAHAHAHA!  Now I'm bored." ~Izaya
3. "What's an airplane?" ~Pirate England, Anime Matsuri, World Confrence
4. "It's a ship that can fly." ~America, Anime Matsuri, World Confrence
5. "Is it softy soft?" ~MAH PRUSSIA, My House
6. "Yes, it is softy soft." ~Me
7. "LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE WHOPPER!!" ~America, Anime Matsuri, World Confrence
8. "YO...YO...HEEEY MAAAN!!!" ~That Hilarious Gangster that Grabbed his Crotch while saying this in Durarara!!
There will be more quotes, probably, but that's all there is for now.  Anywhoo, as for the surprise...
Ha, that looks cool, doesn't it??  Anyways, that's not the point.  The point is...I'm trying out for NBC's The Voice on the same day as my first day of school.  Cool right??  Wish me luck.
I wish y'all good luck with school as well, and I'll catch you later. ;D

Sunday, August 7, 2011

How To: DIY Homemade Lip Scrub

I haven't really done one of these, so I decided...why the heck not.  c:

There are plenty of lip scrubs out there that you can buy, but why do you need to buy one when you can make one?  Honestly, you're saving a lot of money by making your own rather than buying it.  Now, there are a few methods out there for you to exfoliate your lips.  One of them being gently scrubbing your lips with a soft bristled tooth brush.  Another would be to rub your lips with sugar and a wet wash cloth.  The last way, of course, is the scrub I use.  (I admit, I got the idea from Michelle Phan, but Sh!) There are only a few ingredients needed for the scrub, and everyone probably has all of them.
The ingredients are...
1. Sugar-Just plain white sugar should do.  For some reason I don't have white sugar, so I have it's less processed cousin, brown sugar instead.  It worked just as well.
2. Honey-I used organic honey because that's what I have.  Whatever you have is fine.
3. Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly-I have the none mainstream Petroleum Jelly, so meh.  XD
I eyeballed how much I put in, so I can't say how much you really need.  Just keep in mind that when you mix it all together, you want it to have a gritty consistency.  After you've done that, apply it to your lips like you would, say, a potted lipgloss.  Just make sure you rub it on your lips, like rub.  It tastes really yummy by the way. ;D  After you've done that, wipe off the scrub and enjoy your smooth lips!  Remember to apply a balm or something right after so they won't get dry again.  Also, keep hydrated because that also helps keep your lips from chapping.
So yeah, that's it.  :)  I hope you found this helpful and enjoyed reading.  <3

Thursday, August 4, 2011

July Favorites

JUST GONNA PUT IT OUT THERE NOW THAT MOST OF THIS IS THE SAME AS FROM JUNE!  Don't kill me, please.  So yeah, my July favorites.  Also, I've been traveling for most of July, so...meh...  Also, I lost my Liplicious Sheer Glaze in Carried away.  You'll see how that affected my July favorites.  I'll also go a bit more in detail with my favorites of the past month.  You'll also see.  :)

1. Revlon Crazy Shine- I've had my nails bare for most of that month cuz I got really lazy.  So, yeah.  Revlon Crazy Shine made my nails look like there was a topcoat on them when there wasn't, so yeah.

2. Pink Sugar Sensual: It's what I took with me on my trip, so I wore it...A lot.  eue

3. Claire's Professional Eye Make Up Kit: Oh snap, broski.  I use Claire's/Icing cosmetics.  Plus, they're pretty good for their price and stuff, so I don't see why not.  Anyways, this has, like, almost every color I'd want, so I wore it a lot.

4. Liplicious Gloss in Coconut Pineapple (??)- It's basically clear with silver shimmer.  It's a replacement for my lost Liplicious Sheer Glaze in Carried Away (RIP  </3).

5. NYX Blush in Peach- -shrug-  Still love it.

6. Hoola Bronzer- Yup...

7. Urban Decay Primer Potion in Original- Yes, it will always be a favorite.

So there you have it, my favorites.  I'll see you guys later.  <3