Friday, June 10, 2011


Hi guys.  OuO  It's Hayley.  You can either call me that or Vietnam.  Here's the part where I talk about myself and like a mini-autobiography, but it'd be a pain to type all that out.  All I'm gonna say is that I like fashion, make up, anime, reading, and a bunch of other stuff.  I sing, act, and wish I that I'm not too clumsy to dance.  I'm a dreamer, a writer, and a not-so-gifted artist.  So yeah...That's all you need to know...Later~!


  1. hey hayley or vietnam, wichever, i love all this stuff, well except the anime, well its not that i dont like it, it's just that im not like opposed with it, i mean its cool and all but yea. so anyways yea i like the make up and fashion stuff so i look forward to your other posts in the future and it sounds like really cool. best of luck --lilli
    P.S. i'm also a not so gifted artist so i no wat u mean.
